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Featured image for “The power of reflective practice”

The power of reflective practice

Do your people think, reflect and succeed? The power of reflective practice. I’d like to introduce you to another free and straightforward idea that will supercharge professional life for you and your colleagues. It’s called ‘reflective practice’ – also known as journaling or, in super simple terms, writing down your thoughts and writing down what you think about your thoughts. It can have a surprisingly powerful impact. The practice is commonly used by healthcare, education and social work professionals, but trust me, its’ benefits can transform any workplace.…
Featured image for “Make listening your organisation’s superpower”

Make listening your organisation’s superpower

What do meetings look like in your organisation? Is it just a few people speaking while most stay silent? Do people interrupt, talk over each other, pinch ideas, or mansplain? Perhaps the culture is that the leaders or the most experienced have all the best ideas, and it’s everyone else’s job just to shut up and listen. Create a thinking environment in your meetings I’ve got some great tips and advice about listening for you to share with your colleagues. It’s all about consistently putting listening into practice to create more sustainably successful and productive meetings, where: You tap into…
Featured image for “Coming up on the Workplace Confidence Podcast”

Coming up on the Workplace Confidence Podcast

Coming up on the Workplace Confidence PodcastBonus episodeHosted by Penny HaslamMD & Founder – Bit FamousBit Famous is trusted by leading brands to build confidence and communication skills in the workplaceComing up on the Workplace Confidence Podcast. In this special bonus episode, I’m giving you a sneak peek at the incredible conversations we’ve lined up. Think of it as your first taste of the engaging and insightful discussions that are coming your way.Listen to all episodesWorkplace Confidence FREE ResourcesLet’s Talk – Book a no-obligation discovery callListen nowListen to all episodesComing up on the Workplace Confidence Podcast – TranscriptPenny Haslam: Hi,…
Featured image for “Bit Famous shortlisted for Personnel Today Awards 2024 – L&D Supplier of the Year”

Bit Famous shortlisted for Personnel Today Awards 2024 – L&D Supplier of the Year

Bit Famous is delighted to announce we are finalists in the prestigious Personnel Today Awards, under the Learning & Development (L&D) Supplier of the Year category 2024.  The nomination recognises the success of our Impact, Influence and Confidence (IIC) Programme, A 4-part programme that enables talented women to communicate with impact and build self-belief. Delivered for Shawbrook Bank, the programme, designed for mid-level women managers, has significantly enhanced participants’ leadership, communication, and confidence.…
Featured image for “Can you just say a few words?”

Can you just say a few words?

Could you just say a few words please? Ever been asked that, or had to ask it of someone else? It’s for that moment in an office, when there’s a ‘leaving do’ – a team member is retiring, going on maternity leave, moving on to another department or a new job somewhere else – and it’s someone senior’s job to mark the occasion with a small speech-ette. But it can fall a bit flat, can’t it? We’ve all witnessed it. The departing person feels unappreciated, the team are embarrassed. And you’ve missed an opportunity to communicate culture and to show…
Featured image for “Visible leadership: The coffee strategy”

Visible leadership: The coffee strategy

Being visible as a leader is hugely important. Visible leaders can engage others, share key messages, values, and behaviours – making your job a bit easier, perhaps? It’s a huge topic, so today I’m giving you just one thing that you and your colleagues can adopt to be more visible and more confident. The challenge of networking I regularly hear frustrations from my clients about leaders and emerging talent sticking to their silos, not sharing their worth, and failing to build a network. I wasn’t proactive in making connections when I was an employee, which slowed down my career progress…
Featured image for “Being yourself at work, how hard can it be?”

Being yourself at work, how hard can it be?

This time, I’m delving into a topic close to my heart: feeling like you can’t be your authentic self at work. It’s a common issue, and thinking back to my career at the BBC, I certainly had times when I played small and held back on sharing ideas. A former boss once told me to “intellectualise more!” Ironically, I had no clue what he meant. The effort of trying to be something I wasn’t left me stressed, tired and grappling with bouts of burnout. I often felt misunderstood by colleagues and unable to contribute fully. A square peg in a…
Featured image for “How to interrupt like a pro”

How to interrupt like a pro

How to interrupt like a pro. This time, I’m sharing insights on a slightly less celebrated but incredibly useful skill – interrupting! Far from being a breach of etiquette, having colleagues who know how to interrupt appropriately is essential. Confidently interrupting (and accepting interruptions) without causing offence saves time and enhances collaboration and productivity. The art of interrupting Interrupting isn’t about cutting people off – it’s about steering a conversation constructively. Instead of the awkward ‘um’ or ‘excuse me,’ opt for confident and clear interjections. A well-timed “Thank you for that insight, let’s hold on to that thought and move…
Featured image for “The phrase that kills workplace ideas, innovation and collaboration”

The phrase that kills workplace ideas, innovation and collaboration

The phrase that kills workplace ideas, innovation and collaboration You may have noticed in your meetings when ideas are introduced they often don’t progress – this could be because people are mentally shutting them down by answering an idea with the words, “No, but…”  It’s amazing how just changing a word when we respond can make a huge difference. Instead, if colleagues reply, “Yes, and…” It can be more productive and help people expand their thinking. This approach is useful for everyone, particularly if you’re leading a session aimed at developing ideas. Watch my video for an example of this in action.…
Featured image for “Workplace mastermind groups”

Workplace mastermind groups

Introduction: What is a workplace mastermind group? I want to share an idea with you that’s commonly associated with business owners. Actually, I think it’s something that should be more regularly used in the workplace. That is, mastermind groups at work so your people can solve their problems confidently and build wider networks across the organisation.  There are loads of reasons why they’re brilliant, and often their outcomes are phenomenal in a way that you’d never expect. I’ll go into those in a little more detail in a minute, but a mastermind group is sometimes also known as an action…
Featured image for “Women in professional services: 10 key strategies for career progress”

Women in professional services: 10 key strategies for career progress

Women in professional services: 10 key strategies for career progress. When you want to progress at work, it’s not simply a case of just being good at your job. Let’s assume you’ve got that covered. Advancing your career requires a shift in the way you get seen by the people who matter to you and your career. You could call that developing your ‘personal brand’. But don’t stop there. Get the cut through you need, to be highly thought of for opportunities by adding the word ‘profile’. Ask yourself, what am I doing to progress my personal brand profile? Where…
Featured image for “Shh… The silent workplace confidence crisis”

Shh… The silent workplace confidence crisis

The silent workplace confidence crisis. In my experience, workplace issues around self-doubt are rarely discussed. They’re seen as a private, personal burden to bear. But I would say confidence is a people problem we can all work to resolve. And it’s a bonus to do so, because confident individuals can build confident organisations, that can fulfil their purpose. So, the solution is to actively support colleagues to re-establish their confidence and thrive in the workplace.…
Featured image for “5 Warning signs that your team needs executive coaching”

5 Warning signs that your team needs executive coaching

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousExecutive CoachingDiscover our world-class coachingLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery call5 Warning signs that your team needs executive coaching. This guide offers a clear understanding of five key signs that indicate a team, or team members, might need executive coaching.  Written for HR and Learning and Development professionals, it highlights essential areas such as struggles with self-doubt, communication issues, resistance to change, and burnout.  Recognising these signs is vital for timely intervention and support, ensuring teams stay productive and adapt effectively to…
Featured image for “Accidental managers with no confidence, are the UK’s women leaders set up to fail?”

Accidental managers with no confidence, are the UK’s women leaders set up to fail?

Accidental managers. My pet subject, confidence and self-belief for women leaders and managers, is back in the news this week (Oct 2023). There are some troubling stats about female managers that may not surprise you – their confidence is at rock bottom. But in my opinion, the individual employees are not to blame.…
Featured image for “‘Rage applying’ – Executive coaching offers a solution”

‘Rage applying’ – Executive coaching offers a solution

Let’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callAvoid ‘rage applying’. ‘Rage applying’ is an impulsive behaviour where frustrated employees apply to a slew of job openings to escape or protest against their current work environment. While initially, this may offer a fleeting sense of control or empowerment, the fallout is often counterproductive for them and their business. Causes include employees: Feeling overlook or dissatisfied with career progression Feeling invisible or not getting the support they need Frustration at poor opportunities for learning and development Feeling unsupported or unrewarded from higher-ups People who hastily apply for lots of jobs risk leaving their present…
Featured image for “How to deal with employee burnout among managers”

How to deal with employee burnout among managers

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callHow to deal with employee burnout among managers. Middle management has always been a challenging role, but the pressures are mounting like never before. Economic uncertainty, increased responsibilities, budget cuts, and organisational restructuring have all conspired to make life incredibly difficult for these key figures within your company. A Gallup report published in September 2023 sheds light on the current crisis. It offers a bleak snapshot of the state of middle management. According to the report:…
Featured image for “Outperform and impress: 5 Meeting hosting hacks that will set you apart”

Outperform and impress: 5 Meeting hosting hacks that will set you apart

We delve into the art of hosting a meeting, a crucial skill that can significantly impact your career progression. We discuss the difference between just holding a meeting and truly hosting one, and explore various strategies to engage attendees, manage time effectively, and drive productive discussions. This guide will arm you with the tools you need to turn any meeting into a platform for meaningful communication and collaboration.…
Featured image for “How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority”

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority. Today, I want to discuss a significant problem: a challenge, particularly for women in meetings. I frequently hear this from the people I work with, as they discuss their actions (or lack of them) during meetings. They become bothered and reflect afterwards when things go wrong. Speaking up in meetings, and ensuring people listen to you are valuable skills to learn. Let’s dive into that today. I’m going to start with five points to cover. Let’s see how we go with those.…
Featured image for “How to calm nerves before a presentation”

How to calm nerves before a presentation

So I get asked all the time, “How do I beat nerves?” Do I still get nervous whenever I’m going to deliver a presentation or a talk in lots of different environments? And I always say that I don’t ever try to beat nerves. There’s no way you can get rid of them because we’re all human, right? So this blog is all about how to support yourself really well while being nervous.…
Featured image for “Crush it as an event sponsor: Our blueprint to maximise your impact and ROI”

Crush it as an event sponsor: Our blueprint to maximise your impact and ROI

How to maximise your influence and ROI as an event sponsor. At Bit Famous we believe if you are going to invest tens of thousands of pounds as a sponsor, you must place yourself at the centre of the conversation at an event. Offering value to delegates through your experience and expertise.…
Featured image for “Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit”

Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit

Audiences crave a more engaging and interactive presentation experience. I recommend breaking free from over-dependency on PowerPoint to explore innovative ways to captivate your audience. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of embracing slide-free (or fewer slides) presentations, I hope it’ll give you some ideas to help kick the PowerPoint habit for good.…
Featured image for “Coaching Vs. Mentoring? How to choose the right path for your personal growth”

Coaching Vs. Mentoring? How to choose the right path for your personal growth

Coaching and mentoring are two similar but distinct approaches to professional development. While both involve a relationship with a more experienced individual, they have different goals, methods, and outcomes.…
Featured image for “How does coaching work?”

How does coaching work?

Coaching is a versatile tool that can help you achieve your goals, whether you’re looking to improve your career, tackle a business challenge, or develop new skills. It’s an effective way to address complex challenges in your work or business that require guidance and expertise beyond your current level.…
Featured image for “Want to nail your next presentation? Here’s why mindset matters”

Want to nail your next presentation? Here’s why mindset matters

Executive CoachingDiscover our world-class coachingLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callGet your mindset right for a great presentation What I want to talk about today is a really important part of presenting or speaking or being in front of people, and that is preparation. Often we think of preparation as getting your slide deck sorted, getting PowerPoint open, making notes and making sure you’re ready to go. But actually, there’s a bit more preparation to be done that will really help you boost your performance, power it up and make you feel better when you’re actually in the moment of speaking,…
Featured image for “How do I know if I need coaching?”

How do I know if I need coaching?

How do I know if I need coaching? If you’re asking, do I need coaching? You’ve probably got something on your mind that you want to change or make progress on. Or if you run a team, you might have a colleague in mind for this. Now, just before we get started, our coaching deals with communication and confidence for people at work. Our clients are typically leaders or people who want to take the next step in their careers and business owners.…
Featured image for “How to start a conversation about confidence with your team”

How to start a conversation about confidence with your team

All too often, confidence is seen as a personal burden to bear, something you have to work out on your own. I believe we’ve got to get over this idea because confidence is actually a people problem that we can all work to resolve.…
Featured image for “How to raise your profile at work”

How to raise your profile at work

By raising your profile at work, you’re setting yourself up for a brighter future! Not only will you have the chance to expand your professional network, but you’ll also get recognition for your skills, talents, and achievements. Here are my top tips on how to raise your profile at work.…
Featured image for “Five communication mistakes that are costing your business”

Five communication mistakes that are costing your business

We believe great business communication is more than just a nice-to-have. It’s essential to the success of your organisation. Our clients understand this and have seen the tangible benefits of effective communication first-hand. From increased turnover to attracting investment or better staff retention and enticing higher calibre recruits, the positive impact on their organisations has been clear.…
Featured image for “Five steps to banish boring training”

Five steps to banish boring training

No one likes boring training. Why? It’s boring. Okay, even at primary school, right? You can all remember that teacher who was just a little bit boring or maybe a university lecturer who didn’t set the world of light. And you’re like, Oh, God, it’s so boring. I’m not interested. This is really hard and life is too short for that. So, I’ve come up with five things that I do in every single training session that really lifts the room and helps people skip out the door at the end of the day with a great feeling in their…
Featured image for “Online media interviews – 10 tips for success”

Online media interviews – 10 tips for success

We believe a call from a journalist or podcaster isn’t something to fear, it’s something to get excited about! Appearing as a guest interviewee is a golden opportunity to share your knowledge and experience, be seen as a thought leader, and represent your business or organisation.…
Featured image for “What is a personal brand profile?”

What is a personal brand profile?

Developing a personal brand isn’t just about showing off or bragging about your accomplishments. It’s about authentically and honestly sharing your experiences, skills, and values, in a way that resonates with your target audience.…
Featured image for “Are you a great speaker or just good enough?”

Are you a great speaker or just good enough?

It can be tough to get honest feedback about your speaking skills, especially as you move up the career ladder. Colleagues might not know how to give constructive criticism, or they might not feel comfortable critiquing your speaking. That’s where professional coaches come in. They can help you take your speaking abilities to the next level.…
Featured image for “What is thought leadership?”

What is thought leadership?

Thought leadership is positioning yourself or your company as a trusted and authoritative source of ideas and insights within a particular industry or field. This involves regularly sharing valuable and insightful content, such as articles, blog posts, videos, or podcasts, that can help to educate and inform others.…
Featured image for “What is executive presence?”

What is executive presence?

Executive presence is an important quality for leaders and those in positions of authority, as it can help inspire confidence in others and convey a sense of competence. It can also establish your credibility, authority and make you appear more confident and in control. Crucial for gaining the respect and trust of your people, clients, customers and other stakeholders.…
Featured image for “Are you a boring boss? Find out in 5 questions”

Are you a boring boss? Find out in 5 questions

In a meeting with a colleague, customer or client, who speaks first and for how long? Boring people tend to do all the talking and dominate a conversation. It can be frustrating when someone dominates the conversation and doesn’t give others a chance to speak.…
Featured image for “Be a star of the small screen”

Be a star of the small screen

The phone in your pocket can be a powerful tool to share your ideas and connect with clients, customers and stakeholders. Here’s my tips and advice for getting a professional look.…
Featured image for “Set your work and personal goals for the year ahead”

Set your work and personal goals for the year ahead

“I really need to get out there more. I’ll do that next year.” Yeah, most of us just go around carrying this thought in our head about what we’d like, but we don’t pin it down. So this is about taking those thoughts in your head. The ambition, the focus, the requirement, perhaps, and pinning it down so you can achieve more through the year.…
Featured image for “Executive presence, how to get some”

Executive presence, how to get some

Today I am delving into the world of executive presence. Now, that’s quite a dry way, I think, to talk about being a good leader and showing that you are a good leader. Having presence means gravitas, authority, listening skills, demonstrating behaviours and values of your organisation.…
Featured image for “What does a confident business look like?”

What does a confident business look like?

A confident business is self-assured and believes in its ability to succeed. It is characterised by strong leadership, high performance, innovation, and a positive culture and values.…
Featured image for “Bit Famous Ltd is announced as a finalist in Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2022”

Bit Famous Ltd is announced as a finalist in Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2022

For immediate release: 26 July 2022Bit Famous Ltd is delighted to announce that we’re reached the finals of a prestigious business awards. We’ve been named as a finalist in the Business Enabler of the Year category at the Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards 2022.  As a learning and development provider we specialise in communication skills, work with SMEs and large enterprises at all levels from employees to board level. Over the past 12 months we’ve helped dozens of businesses communicate with confidence. Some of our our key business achievements include: Training 2,600 NatWest retail banking staff as the business…
Featured image for “The challenge of seeking feedback as a leader”

The challenge of seeking feedback as a leader

Many leaders that I coach tell me that sometimes they don’t feel they’re really being praised for what they do. It’s a situation where you know you’re doing an all-right job because no one’s told you off, or you have not failed yet. But there’s a little bit of doubt about whether you’re able, whether you are capable, whether you are excellent.…
Featured image for “How to be a business podcast guest – the huge opportunity your team is ignoring”

How to be a business podcast guest – the huge opportunity your team is ignoring

There are more than 2.4m podcasts globally with established shows for almost every business interest and niche. Appearing as a guest on a podcast is one of the quickest and easiest ways to share your expertise and get known, liked and trusted.…
Featured image for “Follow this simple rule to stop your anecdotes from sinking like the Titanic”

Follow this simple rule to stop your anecdotes from sinking like the Titanic

So you are under pressure, you might be in a job interview. You might be in a board meeting. You might be taking part in a panel discussion. You might be going on TV or radio or taking part in a podcast. But unless you’ve prepared some things to say, you could find yourself telling a Titanicdote.…
Featured image for “Bit Famous supports NatWest’s rollout of video banking”

Bit Famous supports NatWest’s rollout of video banking

NatWest makes 2600 retail bankers a little bit famousBit Famous supports the roll-out of customer Zoom appointmentsThe pandemic has had a huge impact on banking, as Zoom meetings became increasingly popular with customers, NatWest made the bold decision to take the majority of its retail banking appointments to online video. The organisation appointed Bit Famous to train and support 2,600 customer-facing staff to develop confident communication skills on camera. Our in-house experience was a perfect fit for this project. We brought professional TV presentation know-how, engaging training skills and video production expertise to the project. This meant we were able…
Featured image for “Got an opinion? Share it”

Got an opinion? Share it

I’ve got a bit of a challenge on with somebody. I’m trying to convince them that having an opinion and sharing it is a really good idea. Now you might be in the camp of: “Oh, no way. I’m not sharing my personal opinions anywhere or with anyone because that’s the recipe for disaster. That’s the road to ruin.” I, however, believe you absolutely must share your opinions and your experiences and your thinking about things so that people understand what you stand for, who you are, and where you’re coming from.…
Featured image for “10 profound insights about women in leadership that could change the way you do business”

10 profound insights about women in leadership that could change the way you do business

More women in top management leads to higher profits. Firms with 30% women senior leaders can project a15% boost in profitability when compared with male-run organisations.…
Featured image for “Three steps to visible & confident leadership”

Three steps to visible & confident leadership

If you’ve been occupied fighting fires and planning out a million different scenarios for most of the year so far, it might be time to revisit your visibility, as a leader.…
Featured image for “What’s the point of your story?”

What’s the point of your story?

Here’s a bit of how-to for you when it comes to speaking and presenting. It’s an advanced idea for sharing information. Even if you can’t deploy it straight away, at least you’ll know the theory of it.…
Featured image for “What are employee evangelists and why does our organisation need them?”

What are employee evangelists and why does our organisation need them?

How to get started with an employee brand champion programme. Convince the board: low cost brand reach and an authentic approach to reflecting diversity. Rethink a ‘leaders only’ approach as to who can share key messages. Identify a diverse range of potential champions from facilitated workshops, around raising profile.…

How to beat Zoom fatigue – Find the confidence to shake-up the way you meet online

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousWhatever video conference system you use, people are telling me they are getting exhausted by the calls they’re on. People often schedule them back-to-back leaving little time to reflect or recover and they can be draining on the eye, and the brain. So, here are my five top tips for beating ‘Zoom fatigue’.Tip 1. Plan your conference call Tip number one is just to plan ahead, it’s back of the envelope stuff. Sketch out how the time you’re going to be…
Featured image for “Tech Returners – Bit Famous success story”

Tech Returners – Bit Famous success story

Tech Returners addresses the skills shortage in the tech sector by training and coaching women who want to build new careers in tech or who want to advance further into leadership.  As the figurehead of the business, its CEO knew that she could grow the business and fulfil her purpose, by increasing her visibility.Testimonial”I find that I’m now inspiring women to think of tech as a career, by being more visible and showing them it’s possible. In their words I have ‘changed their lives’. If I can support them to enter the industry or progress into leadership positions, I feel…
Featured image for “SVB – Bit Famous success story”

SVB – Bit Famous success story

Silicon Valley Bank is very well-known in the USA, but has been a best kept secret in the UK, despite being open for business since 2006. The London office wanted to support its people to confidently spread the word among the innovation, tech and investor communities about the many benefits to working with SVB.Testimonial“No matter who your audience is, you need Bit Famous to help you with your message and performance. We now communicate concisely and with impact, across many different platforms – speaking at industry events, taking part in panel discussions or on the media.”Silicon Valley BankHow we helpedThrough…
Featured image for “JRF – Bit Famous success story”

JRF – Bit Famous success story

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation’s mission is to inspire social change through research, policy and practice. It wanted to shift the dial on social change more quickly and more effectively – and therefore needed to increase its visibility, in order to have greater influence and impact. After working with Bit Famous, JRF now communicates its thought leadership more widely and with more confidence.Testimonials“Thank you so much for all of the work you have done with us over the past two years. It has made such a difference to our confidence and ability to communicate.”Claire AinsleyExecutive Director, JRF“The difference Bit Famous has made…