
Executive Coaching

Executive presence, visibility, presentation and confidence coaching.

Leaders who can inspire, influence and engage the people around them are the key to unlocking productivity, creativity, problem-solving and growth for their organisation.
It doesn't matter what level you're at, being seen and heard by the people who matter is vital to moving forward - in your career, in your leadership role and for your organisation.
For leaders, and those on a journey to leadership, being able to communicate with confidence is paramount. It means they can engage their teams, get buy-in for their ideas and advance their goals. Or they run the risk of losing people's interest and will fail to inspire or have impact. 

Coaching for individual leaders

Coaching & training for teams of emerging leaders

Engage and inspire team members, with authenticity and gravitas.

Attract customers, clients and candidates. Get known, liked and trusted.

Inform and influence your board, suppliers, stakeholders, your sector, the wider public and the media - as thought leaders.

Does this sound familiar? We can help

“My role requires me to have more presence, be more visible. I'm not sure where to start.”

"Our new board member needs to improve their confidence."

“I'm expected to present more and speak at events but I hate it.”

Coaching tailored for you

This is for leaders and emerging talent to engage their teams, get buy-in for their ideas and progress their careers. Our executive coaching clients have greater impact and influence in their organisations and are better equipped to communicate with confidence.

Coaching case study - Shawbrook Bank

Kat Klehr, Director of Compliance and Ethics, Shawbrook Bank

I needed executive coaching support for a team member in danger of burnout

Kat Klehr, Director of Compliance and Ethics, Shawbrook Bank
Why did you want coaching for your colleague? 
"One of my team was working too much, barely taking any breaks and was in danger of burning out – a legacy of lockdown no doubt.
I considered coaching important for her wellbeing and to give her time and space to reflect on her next steps career-wise."
After coaching from Bit Famous what transformation have you seen in your colleague?
"She has changed in the last 6 months! She is calm and speaks clearly where she is comfortable in her expertise. She also shares opinions on other subjects, in a much less formal manner, where previously she was a lot quieter and held back.
She recently volunteered to host a team meeting with an external speaker, an important relationship for us and she did great! She was composed, knew her agenda well and she managed the meeting beautifully...
She also received excellent feedback from the new boss and the team. She quite literally blossomed! I am so proud of her."
What was it like working with Penny Haslam?
Penny is approachable and has a great sense of humour, but she is not all smiles and flattery and can be tough and challenging.
She listens carefully and does not pretend that she has all the answers. She is honest and her strong opinions and observations can be cutting, but it hits the right places and at the right time! And this is Penny’s USP. It is refreshing in the environment of softly-softly approach everywhere because it is honest and reflective. It may not be for everyone, I get that, but for me this is the best part of working with Penny – her edge!
Another colleague in my team is currently going through group coaching with Penny and feedback I have received is from her is “this is life changing for me”. This is coming from a colleague who has had lots of leadership and senior management coaching before she joined the bank.
She lost her confidence after a career break to have her kids, and right now this coaching is an opportunity just for her, to take time out and bring herself back to who she truly is. It is working. I hope that I will have an opportunity to work with Penny again, maybe even for my own benefit.

Feedback for our coaching

Mark Williams

I was promoted to partner

I worked with Penny Haslam to develop my communication capability and executive presence, as I was on the cusp of stepping up to MD at Results IG. She quickly understood my situation around the need to establish credibility and have impact and influence among senior colleagues and clients. Penny shared valuable tools and techniques to enhance my style. As a young and ambitious individual, I also sought ideas about bolstering my confidence to lead. Penny was helpful in all of the above and I enjoyed working with her. And in further testament to the long-lasting impact of the work I did with her, I was promoted to Partner only 2 years later!

Mark Williams, Partner Results IG
Rowena Birch

A more relatable, truer, version of me

Hear how our coaching gave Rowena the skills to become President of British Judo.

My confidence has increased greatly, particularly around less scripted speaking, for example in interviews and making mini videos. I used to shy away from these opportunities, but now I recognise that I can be a more powerful and more relatable, truer, version of me.

Rowena Birch, OLY, MBA, President of British Judo
Becky Taylor

I'm making a difference and having a real impact

I find that I’m now inspiring women to think of tech as a career, by being more visible and showing them it's possible. In their words I have ‘changed their lives’. If I can support them to enter the industry or progress into leadership positions, I feel that I'm making a difference and having a real impact.

Beckie Taylor - CEO Tech Returners

No matter who your audience is, you need Bit Famous to help you with your message and performance. We now communicate concisely and with impact

Silicon Valley Bank

Your questions answered