What is personal brand profile?

What is a personal brand profile?

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations
to help them communicate with confidence.

By Steve Blears

Director - Bit Famous

Penny Haslam

What is a personal brand profile?

Your personal brand profile is the unique combination of skills, experiences, and personality that makes you, as an individual, distinct and recognisable. 

At Bit Famous we encourage our clients to Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous. So you can:

  • Power up your personal brand profile and get known for what you do.
  • Stand out in today's noisy marketplace and find ways to get noticed.
  • Learn the skills you need to do the above, e.g. Bossing it as a speaker or shining on a panel discussion.

Your personal brand profile is how you present yourself professionally to the world and encompasses the content you share and the values you represent. 

It can help you stand out in your field and will enhance your credibility and reputation. It's closely tied to your professional success and plays a key role in your career advancement and opportunities.

Isn’t developing a personal brand profile just showing off?

Developing a personal brand isn't just about showing off or bragging about your accomplishments. It's about authentically and honestly sharing your experiences, skills, and values, in a way that resonates with your target audience. It is about conveying who you are, what you stand for and how you help people. You'll need to build credibility and trust, and aim to provide value and insights to others.

Why develop a personal brand profile?

Building your personal brand profile is an important factor in personal and professional success. Benefits include:

  • Enhanced credibility and reputation: A strong personal brand can help you establish yourself as a trusted and credible expert in your field, which can enhance your reputation and credibility.
  • Improved career opportunities: A strong personal brand can also make you more attractive to potential employers, and it can open up new opportunities for career advancement.
  • Greater control over your personal narrative: By developing a personal brand, you have greater control over how you are perceived by others, and you can shape your narrative to reflect your strengths and accomplishments.
  • Increased confidence and self-awareness: Developing a personal brand can also help to increase your self-awareness and confidence, as it involves taking the time to reflect on your values, goals, and strengths.
  • Improved networking and connections: A strong personal brand can also help you make more meaningful connections and is beneficial for networking and building relationships.

How do I develop my brand profile?

If you are looking to develop your brand profile, there are a few key steps you can take:

  1. Identify what you want to be known for: What is your unique value proposition? How do you help people? And what is your area of expertise? Consider your strengths, experiences, and accomplishments, and think about how you can differentiate yourself from others in your field.
  2. Identify your campaign trail: We call this running for mayor. Define your target audience, like a mayor running for office, how can you get in front of people that matter so you can share your knowledge and expertise? 
  3. Develop and share your knowledge and expertise: What techniques will you use, and what skills do you need to share your message? That could be speaking, appearing on panel discussions, creating video content, writing, blogging and media appearances. 
  4. Consider your visual identity: How do you come across when people Google you? Do your social media, website and profile images consistently reflect the profile you are trying to develop? 
  5. Be consistent and authentic: Is what you are trying to achieve consistent, honest and authentic? Be yourself, everyone else is already taken (Oscar Wilde). Developing a personal brand profile is only possible if you are true to who you are and what you stand for.

How could developing a personal brand help my employees?

Developing personal brands can be beneficial for employees, as it can help them to build credibility and reputation, improve their career opportunities, and increase their confidence and self-awareness:

  • Improved career opportunities: A strong personal brand can make an employee more attractive to potential employers, and it can also open up new opportunities for career advancement.
  • Enhanced credibility and reputation: It can help employees to establish themselves as trusted and credible experts in their field.
  • Increased confidence and self-awareness: It can also help employees to increase their self-awareness and confidence, as it involves taking the time to reflect on their strengths, experiences, and values.
  • Improved networking and connections: It can also help employees to make more meaningful connections with others, which can be beneficial for networking and building relationships.

How can I and my people get started with personal branding?

Bit Famous has a range of training, coaching and mentoring solutions to get you started. Book a no-obligation discovery call to find our more.