Women in professional services: 10 Key strategies for career progress

Women in professional services: 10 key strategies for career progress

Women in professional services: 10 key strategies for career progress. When you want to progress at work, it’s not simply a case of just being good at your job. Let’s assume you’ve got that covered.

Advancing your career requires a shift in the way you get seen by the people who matter to you and your career.

You could call that developing your ‘personal brand’. But don’t stop there. Get the cut through you need, to be highly thought of for opportunities by adding the word ‘profile’.

Ask yourself, what am I doing to progress my personal brand profile? Where am I being seen? And am I just hoping for the best? And if that made you a little uncomfortable then you probably need to take action or remain a best-kept secret.

The following list gives you 10 tried and tested, highly effective ways to showcase your expertise and the value you bring.

And remember, it’s not what you know, or who you know. It’s who knows you…

Shh… The silent workplace confidence crisis

The silent workplace confidence crisis. In my experience, workplace issues around self-doubt are rarely discussed. They’re seen as a private, personal burden to bear.
But I would say confidence is a people problem we can all work to resolve. And it’s a bonus to do so, because confident individuals can build confident organisations, that can fulfil their purpose.
So, the solution is to actively support colleagues to re-establish their confidence and thrive in the workplace.

5 Warning signs that your team needs executive coaching

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousExecutive CoachingDiscover our world-class coachingLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery call5 Warning signs that your team needs executive coaching. This guide offers a clear understanding of five key signs that indicate a team, or team members, might need executive coaching.  Written for …

how to deal with employee burnout among managers

How to deal with employee burnout among managers

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callHow to deal with employee burnout among managers. Middle management has always been a challenging role, but the pressures are mounting like never before. Economic uncertainty, increased responsibilities, budget cuts, and organisational restructuring have all conspired …

Outperform and impress: 5 Meeting hosting hacks that will set you apart

We delve into the art of hosting a meeting, a crucial skill that can significantly impact your career progression. We discuss the difference between just holding a meeting and truly hosting one, and explore various strategies to engage attendees, manage time effectively, and drive productive discussions. This guide will arm you with the tools you need to turn any meeting into a platform for meaningful communication and collaboration.

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority. Today, I want to discuss a significant problem: a challenge, particularly for women in meetings. I frequently hear this from the people I work with, as they discuss their actions (or lack of them) during meetings. They become bothered and reflect afterwards when things go wrong. Speaking up in meetings, and ensuring people listen to you are valuable skills to learn. Let’s dive into that today. I’m going to start with five points to cover. Let’s see how we go with those.

How to calm nerves before a presentation

So I get asked all the time, “How do I beat nerves?” Do I still get nervous whenever I’m going to deliver a presentation or a talk in lots of different environments? And I always say that I don’t ever try to beat nerves. There’s no way you can get rid of them because we’re all human, right? So this blog is all about how to support yourself really well while being nervous.

Slide-free presentations

Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit

Audiences crave a more engaging and interactive presentation experience. I recommend breaking free from over-dependency on PowerPoint to explore innovative ways to captivate your audience.

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of embracing slide-free (or fewer slides) presentations, I hope it’ll give you some ideas to help kick the PowerPoint habit for good.

How does coaching work

How does coaching work?

Coaching is a versatile tool that can help you achieve your goals, whether you’re looking to improve your career, tackle a business challenge, or develop new skills.

It’s an effective way to address complex challenges in your work or business that require guidance and expertise beyond your current level.