Slide-free presentations

Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit

Audiences crave a more engaging and interactive presentation experience. I recommend breaking free from over-dependency on PowerPoint to explore innovative ways to captivate your audience.

In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of embracing slide-free (or fewer slides) presentations, I hope it’ll give you some ideas to help kick the PowerPoint habit for good.

Want to nail your next presentation? Here’s why mindset matters

Executive CoachingDiscover our world-class coachingLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callGet your mindset right for a great presentation What I want to talk about today is a really important part of presenting or speaking or being in front of people, and that is preparation. Often we think of preparation as getting your slide deck sorted, getting PowerPoint open, making notes and …

media interview success

Online media interviews – 10 tips for success

We believe a call from a journalist or podcaster isn’t something to fear, it’s something to get excited about! Appearing as a guest interviewee is a golden opportunity to share your knowledge and experience, be seen as a thought leader, and represent your business or organisation.

mediocre speaker

Are you a great speaker or just good enough?

It can be tough to get honest feedback about your speaking skills, especially as you move up the career ladder. Colleagues might not know how to give constructive criticism, or they might not feel comfortable critiquing your speaking. That’s where professional coaches come in. They can help you take your speaking abilities to the next level.

Got an opinion? Share it

Got an opinion? Share it

I’ve got a bit of a challenge on with somebody. I’m trying to convince them that having an opinion and sharing it is a really good idea.

Now you might be in the camp of: “Oh, no way. I’m not sharing my personal opinions anywhere or with anyone because that’s the recipe for disaster. That’s the road to ruin.”

I, however, believe you absolutely must share your opinions and your experiences and your thinking about things so that people understand what you stand for, who you are, and where you’re coming from.

What’s the point of your story?

Here’s a bit of how-to for you when it comes to speaking and presenting. It’s an advanced idea for sharing information. Even if you can’t deploy it straight away, at least you’ll know the theory of it.