Executive presence, how to get some

Today I am delving into the world of executive presence. Now, that’s quite a dry way, I think, to talk about being a good leader and showing that you are a good leader. Having presence means gravitas, authority, listening skills, demonstrating behaviours and values of your organisation.

Got an opinion? Share it

Got an opinion? Share it

I’ve got a bit of a challenge on with somebody. I’m trying to convince them that having an opinion and sharing it is a really good idea.

Now you might be in the camp of: “Oh, no way. I’m not sharing my personal opinions anywhere or with anyone because that’s the recipe for disaster. That’s the road to ruin.”

I, however, believe you absolutely must share your opinions and your experiences and your thinking about things so that people understand what you stand for, who you are, and where you’re coming from.

What’s the point of your story?

Here’s a bit of how-to for you when it comes to speaking and presenting. It’s an advanced idea for sharing information. Even if you can’t deploy it straight away, at least you’ll know the theory of it.

Bit Famous

What are employee evangelists and why does our organisation need them?

How to get started with an employee brand champion programme.
Convince the board: low cost brand reach and an authentic approach to reflecting diversity.
Rethink a ‘leaders only’ approach as to who can share key messages.
Identify a diverse range of potential champions from facilitated workshops, around raising profile.

How to beat Zoom fatigue – Find the confidence to shake-up the way you meet online

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.By Penny HaslamMD and Founder – Bit FamousWhatever video conference system you use, people are telling me they are getting exhausted by the calls they’re on. People often schedule them back-to-back leaving little time to reflect or recover and they can be draining on the eye, and the …

Tech Returners – Bit Famous success story

Tech Returners addresses the skills shortage in the tech sector by training and coaching women who want to build new careers in tech or who want to advance further into leadership.  As the figurehead of the business, its CEO knew that she could grow the business and fulfil her purpose, by increasing her visibility.Testimonial”I find that I’m now inspiring women …