About Workplace Confidence

"I believe organisational confidence is the key to success"
Penny Haslam

Penny Haslam

MD & Founder - Bit Famous

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations
to help them communicate with confidence.

I believe organisational confidence is the key to success. That's because confident individuals create confident teams, in turn, they build happier organisations that can fulfil their purpose.

But all too often, self-belief is seen as a personal burden to bear, something you have to work out on your own. We need to get past this idea because confidence is actually a people problem that we can all work to resolve.

That's why I've created these resource with leaders and people professionals in mind. They're packed with practical tips and advice for you to share with colleagues.

Let's get started!

Featured image for “Outperform and impress: 5 Meeting hosting hacks that will set you apart”

Outperform and impress: 5 Meeting hosting hacks that will set you apart

We delve into the art of hosting a meeting, a crucial skill that can significantly impact your career progression. We discuss the difference between just holding a meeting and truly hosting one, and explore various strategies to engage attendees, manage time effectively, and drive productive discussions. This guide will arm…
Featured image for “How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority”

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority

How to speak in meetings with confidence and authority. Today, I want to discuss a significant problem: a challenge, particularly for women in meetings. I frequently hear this from the people I work with, as they discuss their actions (or lack of them) during meetings. They become bothered and reflect…
Featured image for “How to calm nerves before a presentation”

How to calm nerves before a presentation

So I get asked all the time, “How do I beat nerves?” Do I still get nervous whenever I’m going to deliver a presentation or a talk in lots of different environments? And I always say that I don’t ever try to beat nerves. There’s no way you can get…
Featured image for “Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit”

Slide-free presentations: Kick the PowerPoint habit

Audiences crave a more engaging and interactive presentation experience. I recommend breaking free from over-dependency on PowerPoint to explore innovative ways to captivate your audience. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through the process of embracing slide-free (or fewer slides) presentations, I hope it’ll give you some ideas to…
Featured image for “Want to nail your next presentation? Here’s why mindset matters”

Want to nail your next presentation? Here’s why mindset matters

Executive CoachingDiscover our world-class coachingLet’s talkBook a no-obligation discovery callGet your mindset right for a great presentation What I want to talk about today is a really important part of presenting or speaking or being in front of people, and that is preparation. Often we think of preparation as getting…
Featured image for “How to start a conversation about confidence with your team”

How to start a conversation about confidence with your team

All too often, confidence is seen as a personal burden to bear, something you have to work out on your own. I believe we’ve got to get over this idea because confidence is actually a people problem that we can all work to resolve.…
Featured image for “Are you a great speaker or just good enough?”

Are you a great speaker or just good enough?

It can be tough to get honest feedback about your speaking skills, especially as you move up the career ladder. Colleagues might not know how to give constructive criticism, or they might not feel comfortable critiquing your speaking. That’s where professional coaches come in. They can help you take your…

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The FREE resource for leaders and people professionals from Penny Haslam & Bit Famous.

How to start a conversation about confidence

Tools and techniques I've developed to help your people grow in self-belief

Plus, simple, actionable steps you can use to challenge your teams to feel more confident and encourage it in others.

Bit Famous gave these businesses workplace confidence

Claire Marsh


Bit Famous gave NatWest teams the confidence to deliver an excellent customer experience

NatWest Logo
John Billson

"A four fold increase in customer contact"

Bit Famous helped grow our market leading position

Abigail Scott Paul

"We've landed 10 new sponsors"

Since training with Bit Famous our media and digital engagement is up by 91% and 65% respectively

Leeds 2023 Logo

Bit Famous reaches finals of prestigious business awards

We reached the finals of the 2022 Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards. How we got there.


Our FREE email resources - what you'll get

You'll receive occasional emails with tutorials, tips and advice tailored for people professionals. We won't spam you and no salesperson will call. You can unsubscribe at any time.

The resources include:

The confidence conversation starter

How to kickstart conversations about confidence with your team.

Who's on your bus?

A simple tool for professional reviews and development sessions. It'll help you start conversations about team dynamics, employee needs and personal development.

Overcoming negative self-talk

How to help others identify, confront and extinguish unhelpful self-talk and imposter syndrome.

Re-igniting ambition

How reflecting on forgotten aspirations can re-ignite employees' ambition.

Personal values

How creating personal values statements can boost employee confidence.

Overcoming nerves while speaking

A tried and tested tutorial for more confidence while speaking in meetings and at events.

Embracing the power of YET

A tool that will help you people embrace the power of possibilities.

Focusing on your goals

Are your people held back because they worry about what other people think of them?