Group executive coaching for women

Group executive coaching for women

The Impact, Influence and Confidence Programme

Group executive coaching for women. A 4-part programme that enables your talented women to communicate with impact and build self-belief.


Group executive coaching for women

The Impact, Influence and Confidence Programme 

Group executive coaching for women
Group executive coaching for women.  A 4-part programme helping the women in your workplace to communicate with impact and build self-belief

Are the women in your organisation or team failing to put themselves forward, with confidence?

Do you fear losing your talented women because they're experiencing self-doubt and aren't as engaged as they could be?

Is a simple lack of confident communication skills affecting the robustness of your talent pipeline and future success of your team and business?

Maybe these scenarios sound familiar...

Talent is harder to develop, because there's a scarcity of confident women progressing their careers.

You're concerned they feel undervalued and overlooked, amid multiple work and life pressures.

You don't have enough positive women role models and culture is getting stuck or even going backwards. 

We understand the challenges in retaining and progressing critical talent groups.

Penny Haslam is the MD of Bit Famous Ltd. She's a motivational speaker, author, coach and trainer.

"You want to give your colleagues the tools and training to be more effective and engaged - because you recognise they could be so much more impactful and confident, with skills that last a career.

We've worked with 1000s of individuals in global organisations and know that once you have a plan in place to teach impactful communication skills and techniques to build confidence, you can move the dial more quickly on the future success of your business."

The Impact, Influence and Confidence Programme will give your talented women:

A plan for development...

The programme is a hybrid of 1-2-1 and live group coaching. Executive coach Penny Haslam shares her unique models and techniques for communicating with impact and building confidence.

Results right away...

Each module is designed to support your talented women on their journey. By the end, they will have skills and strategy that helps them drive their careers with self-belief and greater resilience.

Support and accountability...

They join a group of peers they can connect with, learn from and who can hold them accountable to take action.

What you get...

Client explorer session for you, with Penny Haslam

We use this time to identify your priority areas for development and share organisational context. It's also a chance to find out your key messages, vision and purpose so that Penny can underscore them throughout the programme's modular group sessions.

Two coaching sessions, for each individual that 'bookend' the programme

This helps individuals to focus their mind on what exactly it is they want to get from the programme before it even starts, so they can maximise its benefits. At the end of the programme, we focus on 'what next', ensuring your investment is taken beyond just attending the modules. 

Four live group coaching sessions, on Zoom or in person - usually once a month

Each module gives participants tried and tested frameworks and models for developing exceptional communication skills and building confidence. They gain greater self-belief and can operate strategically on their professional and personal development.

An exclusive group of like-minded women

The group itself forms a powerful way to drive individual development through sharing experiences. It creates an instant network of supportive peers, gives built-in accountability and an enhanced awareness of their own valuable experience and knowledge. All of which boosts self-belief and confidence.

Own-time development resources and recommendations

Videos, books, talks and personalised challenges to support the participants and keep them focussed on progressing their actions between the group sessions. This expedites their development and embeds career-boosting habits of learning and reflection.

Membership of the cohort's accountability group

Participants get to stay connected to the energy and encouragement of the group and continue progress beyond the programme on WhatsApp. We also continue to input with further resources and opportunities for the group and celebrate their successes along the way.

A FREE copy of Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous by Penny Haslam

For reference when there's a chance to power up your profile and get known for your expertise and abilities. It might be a big presentation, an important meeting or even a panel discussion opportunity on the horizon.

Enable your talented women to communicate with confidence in three simple steps:

1. Book your discovery to find out how we can support your organisation.

2. Enrol up to 12 of your 'ones to watch' or future leaders.

3. Watch your emerging talent successfully progress in their roles and careers.

If your people lack self-belief, they'll undervalue themselves and be overlooked for opportunities at work.

They get passed over for promotion when they clearly have valuable skills and knowledge - which risks losing their engagement.

They shy away from developing their own careers, not knowing how to showcase their expertise clearly and concisely.

You suffer from an undersupply of the next generation of talented women for your organisation.

Solve these problems and you gain re-energised and focused role models for your organisation.

How much does the issue of 'best-kept secrets' in your talent pool or team cost you?
How many lost opportunities for growth do you experience because of this?

By the end of this programme, your talented and valuable women will be able to:

Set clear goals for at work and in life, and be able to work towards them with courage and confidence.

Deploy their new skills and frameworks for impactful and confident communication.

Be more visible, demonstrate their value and share their expertise across the organisation.

Enjoy support and accountability from like-minded colleagues.

The programme modules in detail

With confidence being THE key ingredient to success, it's important to establish ways to build and maintain it, in what are often busy and challenging work environments.

Confidence is the foundation stone for resilience, high performance, happiness, humility, professional and personal development - so once we have strong self-belief on board, we can pretty much accomplish most other things.

Penny shares her three confidence building steps and invites participants to explore and challenge their thinking on this important aspect.


  • Women who want feel more sure of themselves, so they can achieve more, more easily.
  • Women who are experiencing overwhelm, self-doubt and worry that is affecting their usually exceptional performance at work.
  • Women who want to learn efficient and effective frameworks for successful and confident communication.
  • Aspiring women leaders who seek career progression and want to be front of mind for opportunities.

Rave reviews for The Impact, Influence and Confidence Programme!

Paula McMahon

Dramatic growth in confidence

The programme has given me the tools to make the most of speaking opportunities, so I can improve the way I help educate and encourage people to be more sustainable. I have also seen others on the course dramatically grow in confidence and we have all stepped out of our comfort zones, trying new things. Penny shared great advice, ideas and support for us time-poor leaders, so regardless of why you want to enhance your profile, this programme can definitely help make you 'a little bit famous’.

Paula McMahon, Engineer, Sir Robert McAlpine
Catherine Hesford

Fantastic, thought-provoking programme

A fantastic, thought-provoking programme that resonates, inspires and empowers. Penny is so engaging in her delivery and has a style that encourages discussion and engagement from all involved. I joined this programme to gain confidence and quieten the negative inner voice that I always seem to listen to. Simply being around Penny and other like-minded individuals, hearing their stories, hints & tips has helped me achieve that.

Catherine Hesford, Head of HR, Shawbrook Bank
Sara Donnelly


From confidence on camera to thinking about how best to present information, Penny's programme has been excellent. I've taken away lots of useful and very practical insights and tips that I know will massively help me on my journey to being a confident and authentic speaker. Thanks Penny!

Sara Donnellly, Director Social Tech Communications, Social Group
Claire Crompton

I was offered the job!

Penny's presentation planner is a totally different method of planning, but it works. I used it when planning a presentation for an interview: the planning time was reduced, I came up with a very clear message and I was offered the job! Without the  programme I'm not sure I'd have even considered applying for the job in the first place.

Claire Crompton, Principal Engineer at Sir Robert McAlpine
Ellie Cronshaw

As soon as I joined the first session, I felt completely at ease

The programme was excellent. As someone relatively new and starting out in their career I was anxious about feeling out of place. As soon as I joined the first session, I felt completely at ease in the group, everyone was so friendly and supportive. Penny was amazing at encouraging everyone to speak and very quickly identified individuals' strengths and areas to work on. The sessions pushed me out of my comfort zone and have given me valuable skills that have already helped with my visibility. I feel equipped with a simple but very effective toolkit that I can use in work and my personal life. I'm much more confident heading into presentations and situations where the spotlight is on me and I'm more comfortable 'putting myself out there'. I would recommend this programme to women at any stage of their career wanting that confidence boost!

Ellie Cronshaw, (formerly) Learning Manager at Raise the Bar