How to raise your profile at work

How to raise your profile at work

By raising your profile at work, you’re setting yourself up for a brighter future! Not only will you have the chance to expand your professional network, but you’ll also get recognition for your skills, talents, and achievements. Here are my top tips on how to raise your profile at work.

Set your work and personal goals for the year ahead

“I really need to get out there more. I’ll do that next year.” Yeah, most of us just go around carrying this thought in our head about what we’d like, but we don’t pin it down. So this is about taking those thoughts in your head. The ambition, the focus, the requirement, perhaps, and pinning it down so you can achieve more through the year.

Got an opinion? Share it

Got an opinion? Share it

I’ve got a bit of a challenge on with somebody. I’m trying to convince them that having an opinion and sharing it is a really good idea.

Now you might be in the camp of: “Oh, no way. I’m not sharing my personal opinions anywhere or with anyone because that’s the recipe for disaster. That’s the road to ruin.”

I, however, believe you absolutely must share your opinions and your experiences and your thinking about things so that people understand what you stand for, who you are, and where you’re coming from.