Visible leadership: The coffee strategy
Being visible as a leader is hugely important. Visible leaders can engage others, share key messages, values, and behaviours – making your job a bit easier, perhaps?
It’s a huge topic, so today I’m giving you just one thing that you and your colleagues can adopt to be more visible and more confident.
The challenge of networking
I regularly hear frustrations from my clients about leaders and emerging talent sticking to their silos, not sharing their worth, and failing to build a network.
I wasn’t proactive in making connections when I was an employee, which slowed down my career progress and made me feel cut off from the ‘big picture’ at work.
Most people aren’t strategic network builders, which is a shame because nothing beats getting support, know-how, and a chance to be visible in front of a wider group.
When we hear ‘network’, we often think of ‘networking’ – not instantly appealing, I have to say.
Introducing the coffee strategy
Enter my coffee strategy! A plan to build your network, one coffee at a time – to increase visibility and confidence! People love this when I tell them about it in my keynotes and masterclasses.

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations to help them communicate with confidence.
By Penny Haslam
MD and Founder - Bit Famous
FREE resources for leaders and people professionals from Penny Haslam and Bit Famous
Where people professionals share the great work they do!

Here's How It Works:
List 10 people you'd consider useful to know – and for them to know you.
Get in touch and ask them for 30 minutes of their time, virtually or in person – coffee optional. Make your request relevant to them and ask for something specific, for example:
- “I'd love to find out more about that big project last year. What were the main learnings for your team?”
- “You’ve advanced quickly in your career. Do you have any tips for someone like me trying to move up?”
- “I noticed you were speaking at an industry event last week. Could I get your take on the trends that might affect our strategic decision-making?”
Rinse and repeat. Schedule this activity in your diary and aim for one meeting a month over a year. That’s 10 people over 12 months, accounting for holidays and breaks. Adjust the numbers to suit your pace.
Shape your target list
If you’re aiming for career development or promotion, focus on managers and project leads. For professional development and learning, connect with a range of peers in your industry.
The easy coffee strategy
Before you know it, you’ll have 10 new connections with whom to build positive and useful relationships. Share it with your team, send them this video and start your own coffee strategy today!
It will help you and your people become more visible and gain confidence. And what organisation wouldn’t benefit from that, right?