How to raise your profile at work

How to raise your profile at work

Bit Famous works with businesses and organisations
to help them communicate with confidence.

By Penny Haslam

MD and Founder - Bit Famous

Penny Haslam

By raising your profile at work, you're setting yourself up for a brighter future! Not only will you have the chance to expand your professional network, but you'll also get recognition for your skills, talents, and achievements. Here are my top tips on how to raise your profile at work.

1. Have a coffee with someone who’s already a 'bit famous'

You might have seen someone in your sector speaking, on the media or using social media in an engaging way. Find out how they got started with their profile raising journey and if they have any tips.

2. Tell  your friends, family and wider network

That you’re looking for opportunities to ‘get out there’ and could they connect you with event organisers who are in need of decent contributors?

3. Volunteer to speak

Raise your profile at work by making sure your voice is heard in meetings by contributing your ideas and opinions. This shows that you are engaged and invested in your organisation. Check out different networking events and, if they have speakers at meetings, put yourself forward with some ideas that would be of interest to their members.

Penny Haslam Podcast

It's in the Podcast

Episode 29: Penny Haslam Podcast - 10 ways to Make Yourself a Little Bit Famous right now.

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Could coaching be the answer to the change you'd like to see in your career or business? Watch the video: How do I know if I need coaching?

4. Join and get involved with an industry association

Raise your profile at work by joining an association, network or institute. It’s a great way to meet professional like-minded people in your sector. Once you are involved you could offer to share your ideas through a presentation or on a panel discussion. Stay informed about trends and developments in your industry and share your knowledge with others. 

5. Put yourself forward to take part in a panel discussion

Yes, that could be you at the front of the room in a tub chair sharing your expertise. It’s a great way to shake hands with the whole room. 

6. Share your opinion and expertise by commenting on social media

Raise your profile at work by commenting on social media, particularly LinkedIn. This will help you get seen by people who could be valuable to you. You'll also get to share your thinking and ways you can help.

7. Record a short video for social media on one of your 'useful to others’ campaign issues

It’s a big ask if you’ve never tried this before but pick up your phone, hit record and give it a go. Post a video every couple of weeks and see what engagement you get.

8. Attend external industry events

Raise your profile by attending work-related conferences, webinars and seminars. Anywhere where your industry peers or clients are showing up. Check out the speaker line-up and think about how you could be on the bill next time around.

9. Track down a podcast on which you could be interviewed

Listen to shows that are relevant to your business or experience. Check that they interview guests and drop the host an email with an idea for your contribution. Or start your own, why not!? 

10. Get yourself on TV and radio!

Read my blog about how to be seen as an expert by the media, and how to get on.